Instructor Hub
Mission Statement:
tastetheblue will provide the best, most bespoke and client centred training of any provider. Courses will be delivered in a safe, fun, and innovative fashion, and our instructors will strive to be experts in all we do.
Welcome to our instructor hub. tastetheblue training occasionally contract freelancers to deliver courses on our behalf, and all participants must have read and understood all policy documents.
As a business, we specialise in provding bespoke training solutions to private groups and individuals, particularly race yacht crews and owners. All instructors working for tastetheblue are expected to adhere to high standards of dress, professionalism, and teaching standards.
Monitoring Tuition
From time to time, the Principal or Managing Director may monitor the standards of tuition. These mentored and observed sessions will occur in good faith, with the aim of developing all staff at tastetheblue and supporting where necessary.
Mission statement:
On a daily basis we want to achieve and surpass our Mission Statement and to be considered as one of the top companies in the sectors in which we operate. To achieve this objective we aim to work with some of the very best Instructors and provide an environment conducive to delivering a superior service.
Role-Model standards
It is important that at all times we create a positive impression with both the clients that we are working with and anyone else that sees us.
What you wear
All Instructors are provided with company clothing, which should be worn where possible.
• Trousers should be chino/sailing trousers (preferably grey). Jeans are not acceptable.
• Branded clothing from other schools is not to be worn.
• Open toed sandals are not acceptable – even in the classroom.
• Shorts are fine in the summer, grey/sailing types are preferred.
• When wearing branded clothing Instructors must always ‘carry’ themselves in a professional way even when not working.
Company clothing remains the property of the Company and must be returned if you cease to work for us.
‘Best practice’
Those working for the company should always operate ‘best practice’ whether actively instructing or away from Company. Examples include wearing of lifejackets, kill-cords, completion of log books, flying of Ensigns, courtesy to other water users etc
Instructors should strive to be well-read and consistently updated.
The company is a non smoking environment. Smoking provokes extreme reactions and anyone working for the company that smokes must not do so in the presence of clients and especially must not do so outside the Office, at lunch with students, on pontoons etc.
Course Timings
Unless arranged otherwise it is expected that Instructors arrive at the training location 30 minutes before the course starts on Day 1 (15 minutes Day 2 onwards) in order that they will be there well before clients arrive and so that they can prepare for their course. If you are running a shorebased course (such as VHF) that requires more preparation then it is expected that you arrive as early as necessary to be well set up before your clients arrive.
If you are running late then you MUST call the Principal or Managing Director.
Your Health, Medicals and Commercial Endorsements
If you become aware of any health related issue that may render you unable to operate safely for the Company then you are required to make us aware.
Under EC Directive 2002/44 relating to Whole Body Vibration the company is required to monitor the health status of its employees and contractors. The activities that we undertake should NEVER expose our staff or clients to unnecessary impacts and body vibration. Inevitably though we are exposed to such forces from time to time and Instructors MUST do their utmost to manage and limit the effect . The following statement taken from MGN436 merits review:
“An upright posture, with the spine in neutral alignment (natural ‘S’ shape) should be maintained whilst facing in the direction of travel, i.e. sitting or standing sideways generally results in the occupant adopting a twisted spine thus increasing the stress on the spine and increasing the risk of injury.”
Clearly in some craft we may need to adopt a’ twisted’ approach. If this is necessary the utmost care should be taken to manage and limit the risks. We monitor this through the Boat Log sheets completed daily.
Please ensure that you read the relevant MCA MGN – MGN 436
You must submit to medicals as required to maintain your commercial endorsements. These are at your own expense and copies of revalidated Commercial and Instructor Certificates must be submitted to the Company.
Drinking/Recreational Drugs
Instructors are to remain alcohol/drug free whilst working and must never arrive for work intoxicated or appearing to be so.
Mobile phones
Phones should be left switched on so that you can be contacted by the Directors/Principal or other Instructors. Personal calls (except in the case of emergencies) should not be taken/made though and nor should instructors text during courses.
Invoices should be forwarded by email to within 7 days of working for the company. The invoice should clearly state:
• Your name and address
• The date of the invoice
• The amount invoiced and the dates the amounts related to.
• If you are invoicing as a company then we also need your Ltd company number
• If you are invoicing as a limited company then the first time you invoice on this basis we must be copied i) Your certificate of incorporation ii) A letter from that company stating that you are an employee of that company.
We aim to pay all invoices within 7 days of receipt of the invoice by direct bank transfer to your bank. To facilitate this you must advise us of your bank details.
If you have not received payment within 14 days please re-invoice and call the office. Unless urgent please do not re-invoice or call before 14 days.
You agree that you are 100% responsible for the payment of all taxes and agree to indemnify the Company in respect of any charges levied on it in respect of the non-payment of taxes by you (whether NI, Income or Corporation Tax and VAT) or the Company. You are advised to seek the services of a specialist accountant to ensure that you adequately deal with your liabilities.
You are advised that the Company may from time to time be asked by the Inland Revenue to list the Instructors working with us, of course we will provide them a full and accurate list of our Instructors – and what we have paid you.